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RM1.10RM1.50 (-27%)

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Something simple to eat and rich with bazaar’s feeling? If you go to bazaar without buying THIS must be regret!!!

It must be so difficult to you to make a decision during Bazaar Ramadhan. Lots of delicious foods in front of you. Taking a long time in the bazaar still unable to decide the one you prefer. Let Sate be your first appetizer !!!

Juicy meat, different flavors, and color dipping into different sauces, and start your heroic eating journey.

Sate, with relatively low and affordable price as always. If you not sufficient, extra may be given for you!!!

Sate always achieves the best selling among the bazaar foods. Still, considering? Sate may not wait for you!!! Grab the chance now by hitting the place order button. 


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Here, providing with meat options, sauces, and other supplements. You can choose the options to try the taste of each combination. It is enriched of bazaar feelings. 

Last call for the Sate ordering!!! 

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